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Newspapers - Texas

Salado Village Voice  - Rooted in Salado since 1979

213 Mill Creek Dr., Suite #125 
P.O. Box 587 • Salado, Texas 76571
254.947.5321 FAX 254.947.9479

Austin American Statesman

Free registration provides access to current issue and access to the searchable archives. The TexShare database has access to Statesman articles from 1996-present.

Dallas Morning News

Free registration provides access to current edition and access to the searchable archives. Full text archived articles available for purchase.

Fort Worth Star Telegram

Access to current edition and past 7 days. Access to the searchable archives back to 1990. Full-text past articles older than 7 days are available for purchase.

Houston Chronicle Interactive

Access to current issue only. TexShare has access from 1996-present.

Temple Daily Telegram

Access to current issue. SPL has current week. No backfile kept.

San Antonio Express

Access to current issue. Archives searchable from 1990-present. Full text archived articles available for purchase.

Texas Media

Links to Texas newspapers, magazines, radio and television.

Newspapers - National

  • U.S. Newspaper List - Links to newspapers and TV stations in the United States grouped by states.
  • USA Today - Current edition available and access to the searchable archives. Full text articles from 1987-present available for purchase.
  • World News and Newspaper Online - Links to online newspapers by country and state. Can be sorted by languages.
  • CNN News - News and information site updated continually throughout the day.
  • MSNBC News
  • The Paperboy - Links to more than 2000 online newspapers of the world. Search by title, city, or country.
  • New York Times. Free registration provides access to current edition. Archives searchable from1851-present. Full text of archived articles available for purchase. TexShare database has access to NYT articles from 1996-present.